Friday, 5 September 2008

Welcome to the 21st Century

Updates updates -- courtesy of my brother I have started being more creative with my blog and now have lists etc which is something I've wanted to do for a long time but apparently couldn't be asked to hit the left clicker more than twice. Anywho self depreciation aside, yay for updates!!

Disclaimers include the fact that my 'blog' list includes many non-blogs i.e paper thin walls (which ironically just shut its doors but still a great archive of tracks to download) etc but I wanted to put all my music websites under there. Also have to admit I vacillated about listing pitchfork since I rarely find music there anymore (relative to how much I used to -- speaks to a change on my part I believe, not theirs) with the odd exception here and there, but I regularly go there to keep myself "in the know" and read their guest lists which is probably my favourite part of the site. To be honest, all the blogs listed are basically where most of the information I post up here comes from -- albeit the odd recommendation from friends. To my credit, I don't live in a big city, at school or at home (but am very lucky to be close to London (UK) and Toronto in both places), nor do I have a huge amount of friend with similar music sensibilites (too many rockers, not enough hip hoppers, if you will) so the internet is my haven. In any case, I stand by my blog and it is more of an outlet than it is a means to share novel information with people. Anyways, I majorly digress.

Also "Creep This" is a random smattering of new-ish artists, often who admittedly aren't very new (amel larrieux is an obvious one but I am obsessed with her last "Lovely Standards") but its all relative to how up on the music industry you are. Here's to attracting a bunch of sub-par music fans!! wait...what?

Ok self depreciation!


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