Sunday, 11 January 2009

There's probably no God. So Stop worrying and enjoy your life

I actually really like this ; stirs up controversy and is not something you see everyday. One lady comments, however, that she has always believed in God and has always been happy, and she has a point. Equally though church signs and posters about God (and oh lets just say the whole of monotheistic religions) insinuate going to hell if your not ___ _____ or _____, but if that is Airine Sherine/Richard Dawkins' (etc) whole issue, why not present a non-judgmental view of the other side of the coin instead of perpetuating the process of judgement? That would certainly bring more credit to their ads.

*picture entirely stolen from the international herald tribune.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my concern, at this point, is two-fold. first, you admitted to watching "DIVAS II" and second, you divulged your love of space jam.

Redeem yourself!