Saturday, 14 February 2009

I'm really fucking hungover. Suggestions?

Best hung over picture ever.

So here's my problem: I go to bed at x time, and if I've drunk too much, I wake up at crazy o clock, and can't fall back asleep. Last night, I went to bed at 6 am, and woke up at 10 am. I am really, really fucking tired. If I could just sleep after a night of partying....if i could just SLEEP.

Luckily I haven't been getting that outrageous lately (last night excepted), but thinking about it, I still wake up early here (I haven't slept past 1030 since christmas break, no matter what time ive gone to bed) in any case.

A google search (that ironically leads me to yahoo) indicates that I should be drinking copious amounts of water before bed and some shiz about blood pressure, and I can't find the stupid link now, and all the ones im finding are absolutely ridiculous. Anyways, the thing is, when your drunk enough that your blood pressure is coo-coo-cachoo, it is incredibly hard to drink 1 l of water before bed.

For my part, the best thing for hangovers in the world (but not for waking up early) is berocca and tea. not together. berocca is some vitamin supplement that comes in orange tabs that fizz and dissolve in water. unfortunately, they dont have berocca in north america, which is a terrible. on a related note, in crete I put a berocca tab on my tongue to let it dissolve to see what would happen -- i know, im like a fucking rock star with my vitmin supplements -- and it was infinitely better than pop rocks, and more painful.

shit, I could make some money off this. I need to take a page out of the wispa book.

anways. sigh. my face hurts.

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