Saturday, 14 February 2009

Objectosexuals: uncomfortable time!

Seriously. If you missed this on jezzy, watch it now. Be forewarned though, it will make you incredibly, incredibly uncomfortable. But kind of in the good, oh-no-she-diint! way. A few of them have aspergers, and most have a history of abuse, and I want to point out that I'm not pulling a god they are so WEIRD why are they LIKE THAT? but still, watch, and if you aren't shocked....I'll eat my hat. after making love to it.

had to get the un-pc joke in there at some point.

Enticement: this women is ACTUALLY married to the eiffel tower, who is apparently a woman. on their one year anniversary, she goes and consummates the marriage. on film. yeah. but no nudity or anything, not porny. just...shivers.

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